IBM Mission and Philosophy


Our mission is to prepare our learners from an early age to understand and face the multiple and multifaceted challenges that await them by offering them dynamic learning opportunities in a stimulating, inspiring environment that is conducive to achieving their full potential throughout life. Autonomy, creativity, self-discipline, self-confidence, respect for the environment, respect for others, tolerance, open-mindedness, teamwork, honesty, moral and intellectual integrity, are qualities and behaviors that we strive to transmit to our students.

Our teachings are based on the learning and acquisition of languages, sciences (mathematics, physics, life and earth sciences), individuals and societies (business management, history, world politics, etc.) and the arts (dance, singing, drawing, etc.). We also encourage our students to express themselves through sport, to develop their creativity and to serve their communities. Our mission is therefore to enable each child to acquire a set of knowledge and skills that are particularly useful in meeting the challenges of today’s and tomorrow’s society.

Our mission is also to teach them to:

  • Learn
    Be curious, do research and have an analytical and critical mind;
    Appreciate and value both the process that leads them to the result and the result itself;
    Have empathy towards others;
    Respect and learn from the differences of others, whether cultural, physical, intellectual, religious or opinion;
    Respect and take care of their environment;
    Learn to manage their emotions, conflicts, for a harmonious development of their emotional intelligence

We are committed to educating students who are sensitive to international realities, capable of understanding the links that exist between themselves and the rest of the world, aware of their responsibility towards the planet and determined to make their contribution in order to make the world a better place.

Créée en 2008, l’Institution Bilingue Montessori accueille aujourd’hui des élèves de toutes nationalités de la crèche au lycée


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