Our programs​

The Montessori program

The Montessori method is specially designed to adapt to the Kindergarten environment and meet the specific needs of young children in this crucial phase of their development.

What is a Montessori school?

What Maria Montessori claims for the child, from birth, is an education in freedom, in autonomy in a carefully prepared environment. The child’s spontaneous activity, in this environment, then becomes one of the main factors in his development both individually and socially. A Montessori school is situated between tradition and modernity, following and transmitting the principles of Maria Montessori’s psychopedagogy, principles largely confirmed by current research. Education as an aid to life is the starting postulate of a Montessori school: an education in freedom that lays the foundations of a future conscious and responsible society.

A specific organization of time

Children must have two and a half to three hours of independent activity time, every morning and every afternoon, which allows for respecting the work rhythm and the child’s concentration in their activity.

Montessori material

Each Montessori material is an aid to the child’s development. It is specially designed to support the child’s activity. It is through this that he can build his intelligence, adapt to his culture and express his creative potential. The main function of the material is to allow the child to explore the world, to grasp it and to build himself. It must imperatively be complete and meet intrinsic quality criteria. It cannot be mixed with other educational materials.

African American teacher standing near the blackboard in classroom and explaining material to students

Nous axons également nos apprentissages sur :

  • The development of autonomy and self-confidence
  • Creativity and sensitivity to the arts in all its forms,
  • Raising awareness of respect for the environment, particularly through a program adapted to young children (creation of an educational vegetable garden, for example).
  • Learning how to manage emotions and conflicts for harmonious development of emotional intelligence.

Préparer les enfants aux défis du 21e siècle

One of the missions of the Bilingual Montessori Institution is to prepare children from a very young age for the challenges of the 21st century.

Autonomy, self-discipline, creativity, self-confidence, respect for one’s environment, collaboration, project work (…) are skills that parents increasingly consider necessary to navigate our era. Thus, the objectives of our school, developed through the basic education curriculum in force in Senegal, are centered on the acquisition of fundamental learning that are Language and Communication, Mathematics and education in science and social life.

These objectives should enable each child to acquire a foundation of knowledge and skills that are particularly useful for responding to the major challenges of tomorrow’s society.